Email Enter a valid email address. To pick up this data and use in the email add [email] dynamic field in the email template Business Name/Website Enter a business name or website URL. This is usually entered in the subject of the email. To pick up this data and use in the email add [accountname] dynamic field in the email template Contact Name Enter the person's name. To pick up this data and use in the email add [contactname] dynamic field in the email template Custom Field This is a custom field and used for searching purposes. This field cannot be used in the email Email Status This displays if the email has been sent and not waiting to be sent. All emails waiting to be sent will remain in a queue until send email is initiated.You can change the status here. Type This icon signifies on how the email has been added to the system
Clicks from email Amount of clicks from email to website. Total Emails Sent Number of emails in total sent. Date last email sent The date the last email was sent Image Preview If dynamic image active a preview of the image contained in the email will be displayed. Save Click Save to save any edits. Note: An unsubscribe link will be automatically created in the email sent so the user will always be free to remove themselves from the list permanently.